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Young Skål

Mission Statement
The mission of Young Skål is to enroll all persons training or working in the sale and/or

promotion of tourism worldwide into the movement. The objective is to welcome them

into the world of Skål International and make them familiar with its values: Friendship

, Peace, Solidarity, and promoting common, local and international interests in the

Tourism Industry, thus ensuring that once a managerial position is reached, the Young

Skålleague will continue to support the movement strongly, its ideals and principals

and being a leader, to proactively transform the environment in which he/she lives. 

Young Skål: The Future of Skål
Young Skål Groups were set up by Skål International in 1999 with the aim of creating a greater awareness of Skål International by those young people studying for or training in the various sectors of the travel and tourism industry,

​At the time of creation, the definition of Young Skål and its relationship to Skål International was given as follows:

     Young Skål is a student or young professional non-profit making organisation which is directly related to the 
     hotel, tourism, leisure and passenger transport industry. Young Skål is a restricted Skål International category
     and as such Group members are not entitled to full Skål International membership or to hold office or vote in
     the sponsoring Club or at any level in Skål International. Group members can only attend national or
     international congresses or meetings as an accompanying person of an active or life member of Skål
     International or if specifically invited.

The requirements to become a Young Skål member are:

To be a student at an authorised educational establishment which grants a degree

or recognised diploma upon
   completion of studies.

  • To be a young professional training for or working in the industry.

  • To be at least 18 years of age and not older than 29.

  • To agree with and accept the objectives and regulations of the Young Skål Group.

  • The minimum number of persons necessary to form a Young Skål Group was 20.

The Objectives of Young Skål agreed were the following:


  • To develop friendship and common purpose between the students of the educational establishment, by
       participating in areas related to the tourism industry, but also in cultural, sports, travel and public relations

  • To encourage and assist in the tourism education or experience of the members by participating in Skål
       activities and meeting Skål members

  • To cooperate voluntarily in all Skål activities and the organisation set up by the sponsoring Club.

  • To promote training opportunities for its members and to acquire professional experience with the support of
       the local Skål Club.

  • To ensure that its members are fully aware of Skål, locally, nationally and internationally.

  • To participate in an international network of Young Skål Groups.

The first Clubs were established in 1999. A number of them worked well and others not so well. Some were happy to stay closely connected to the local Skål Clubs and others felt that they should have a life of their own. Some were happy to be involved with the local Club and others felt that the age gap in certain cases was too great. Another problem which arose that some Young Skål Groups consisted mainly of a particular class in a tourism school and when term ended they went in all directions looking for experience and left the Group devoid of members and trying to establish a Group all over again. There was also a difficulty in getting membership fees paid due to the transient nature of the Groups

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